Questions of the Week
Are my berries frozen? What is freeze-drying anyway?
Our freeze-dried black raspberry products aren't actually frozen! During the freeze-drying process, through a process called sublimation, almost all the water in the berries goes from a solid state to a gas. This allows us to remove the water while preserving the nutritional portions of the berry. It also gives our black raspberry products a very long shelf-life without using any preservatives.
How should I store my freeze-dried black raspberries/black raspberry powder after opening it?
Before opening, you can store your black raspberries in a cool dry place like your pantry. After opening, we recommend that you use a bag clip to close the top of the bag and store it in your freezer. This is to prevent moisture from re-hydrating the freeze-dried berries and limit their exposure to oxygen.
How do you Use Your Freeze-Dried Black Raspberries?
"My favorite way of eating my freeze-dried black raspberry powder is to sprinkle it on my yogurt in the morning. It's easy and tastes great."
-Linda, Oregon
Latest Research
This month we want to share with you a collection of research articles we've put together through the NIH Pubmed service. It has a variety of studies done on black raspberries and we think you'll find it very informative.
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